Durham Bound


"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths." (Prov. 3:5-6)  In many ways this verse has been the theme verse of the week.  Rarely do God's plans seem to include smooth sailing, rather they are often filled with opportunities to trust that He will provide. I don't know about you, but my go to when things don't go as planned is to freak out, I don't default to trust. Trust is hard, it's hard relinquishing control to someone else (even though that someone else is God and He has proven himself again and again and again). This week was one of those opportunities to relinquish control and trust in God's provision. My folks and I planned on renting a minivan to haul my stuff up to Ontario but unfortunately the rental company advised there wasn't one available, but they would see what they could do. I was so blessed by my dad's calm, unperturbed demeanor as he looked into other options, while optimistically trusting that God would provide a viable option through this rental company. And sure enough, God came though, as He always does. The rental company advised they are able to provide us with a pick-up truck and graciously are allowing us to tow a trailer (not something they usually allow) along with a discount. God is always true to his word, and we can trust that He is working and moving even when it looks like He isn't. He cares about every aspect of our lives. 

Monday morning bright and early my folks and I will begin our journey East. We've planned a few stops along the way to break up the 30 hours and hopefully find some fun adventures along the way. We plan on arriving in Durham Thursday afternoon. Appreciate your prayers as we set out!


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