Why Ethnos?


A thriving church for every people.


Ethnos Canada, founded in 1942 as New Tribes Mission, helps local churches mobilize, equip and coordinate missionaries to these peoples. Out of all the mission organizations out there, why Ethnos? Simply put, I love their missional long term strategy. Having grow up overseas, I saw first hand relationships built through the process of learning language and culture, the gospel presented through the lens of their context, lives transformed as truth was revealed, God's word translated into their heart language, leaders raised up, equipped and discipled to begin the process of multiplication. This was something I wanted to be apart of, not a short process by any means, but the life long results far out ways any cost that may be involved. The below excerpts are taken from Ethnos Canada's website and provide a short summary of their primary focuses, for more information about Ethnos Canada, please visit Ethnos.

Reaching Unreached People Groups

2,500 people groups are still waiting to hear the gospel in their heart language. From the beginning, our vision has been to take the gospel to these people groups. Truly this is a vision that demands our passion and it remains unchanged!

Chronological Bible Teaching

Our chronological Bible teaching method systematically tells the story of the Bible so that the truths of the Old Testament provide the foundation for understanding and responding to the truth of the gospel.

The Bible is powerfully changing lives as the unfolding story of God’s provision of salvation for all the ethnos continues to be told

Translating God’s Word

There are still hundreds of languages waiting for God’s Word to be translated into their own tongue. Our goal is to put the Word of God into the hands of the people groups with whom we work!

Our missionaries are equipped to not only learn an unwritten language, but to oversee the translation work and literacy training necessary so that all the ethnos can one day hear God speaking to them through His Word.

Training National Co-Workers

With billions of people still waiting to hear the gospel, the task is bigger than just us. We rejoice that God is calling out workers from the ethnos to go. These national missionaries are already committed to minister, and we continue to equip and work alongside them.

Establishing Thriving Churches

Disciples and thriving churches go hand-in-hand. Following the pattern seen in Acts as God’s people carried out the Great Commission, we seek to establish mature churches that can take their rightful place as agents of change in their own communities and partners in the Great Commission.


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