The Goodness of God

 Good morning friends! I wanted to share with you some thoughts from this past week God has been challenging me with. 

Malachi 3:6 says, "I the Lord do not change."

Throughout the pages of scripture, God has declared quite clearly who He is. He is and continues to be UNCHANGING. God will ALWAYS be true to who He says He is. From beginning to end, God acts consistently to His character. From beginning to end there is no contradiction. 

So.......what do we do when situations arise where God seems to be acting contradictory; when we question His love towards us, or His goodness? When we don't understand what He is doing? Do we raise our fist at God demanding "better" treatment, or do we walk away? Are we tossed to and fro, or do we stand with UTTER CONFIDENCE that God continues to be who He says He is? Can we trust that whatever he is doing is ultimately for good? 

"God works all things for the good of those that love Him..." What do we do with this verse when what goes on in our lives seems the opposite? Is God saying that everything in life will be good, or is He saying that all things will be for our good or that He works all things for good regardless if we see it or not? Seems to be more of the latter as you look throughout the pages of scripture. Look at Joseph for example, how was God being good to Joseph? Hated by his brothers, sold into slavery, falsely accused, thrown into jail, and eventually made into the ruler of Egypt. There was a LOT that God allowed Joseph to walk through, and yet through it, God brought about GOOD for the nations around. 

Only God decides what trials touch our lives, the account of Job tells us this. Job 42:11 says, "...all the trouble the Lord had brought on him." In the midst of whatever we are walking through, we can know with absolute certainty that God has allowed this by his sovereign plan. We may not understand in the moment, and we may never understand this side of eternity, but we need to choose to trust Him anyway. 

Will you be willing to let God have his way in your life whether it makes sense or not, whether it is good or not, easy or hard? Can I trust him? ABSOLUTELY!!! Joseph declared in Genesis 50, "...what you intended for harm God meant for good." The "good" was not good to Joseph, but God was still good. He did not cease to be good in the face of what Joseph walked through. Hold fast to the truth of who God is and stand firm, do not let the lies of the enemy distract or dissuade you. 

   "Can God be any less good to me on the average Tuesday morning than he was on that monumental Friday afternoon when he hung on a cross in my place? The answer is a resounding no. God will not be less good to me tomorrow either, because God cannot be less good to me. His goodness is not the effect of his disposition but the essence of his person--not an attitude but an attribute." Paige Benton


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